Tuesday, August 5, 2014

We're having a yard sale this weekend......

and I hate it. HATE IT. So much work. SO. MUCH. WORK. We really do need to move this stuff out though, and since we're having our village festival this weekend, there will be a ton of people here- hopefully buying all my stuff.

I don't have a normal yard sale. There isn't 3 tables full of baby clothes, two broken down Ikea bookcases and a bunch of dollar store crap. Nope. I'll have 3 canopies set up with 30 or so tables of stuff. I have a huge rack of clothing hung- all name brand stuff, clean, in perfect condition- all for less than what they charge for clothes at the Goodwill. I'll have a few tables of the boys stuff- clothing and toys- but all in perfect condition. I don't sell crap. EVER.

We'll have 3 vintage dressers- a set of vintage iron ice cream chairs, soda fountain stools, many, many chairs, Heywood Wakefield table, steelcase chairs and tables, art, a huge table of books,  just about everything and anything except baby stuff and appliances (oh wait- I do have a wine fridge for sale this time around). You get the general vibe though, right?  I have one hell of a yard sale.

To have that though, takes a  lot of time and effort. Ads, signs. Set up. I'll do all that...I just won't work it. I hate working it. Luckily, I have a Mr. and my parents who will for me. I just don't have the patience for it anymore. So, I will cook and clean, set up the sale. But I can't be out there, mingling with the people.

I might be in here this weekend, working on my blog. I might be painting my bedroom. Anything, anything at all except dealing with the crowds in my front yard.


Colleen said...

so do you acquire stuff throughout the year specifically for the sale? or is this the product of clearing stuff out of your house?

thefarmersdaughter said...

clearing out the house, and some stuff that we bought for the antique shows that didn't sell. Mostly, it's all personal stuff that I want cleared out..... I sell my sons outgrown clothing at these sales- cheap- the clothes I get tired of wearing, household stuff I have upgraded so the old stuff has got to go....left over craft supplies...that sort of stuff. I usually have a ton of home decor stuff that I just got tired of and can pass on to someone else. My parents bring over a bunch of their stuff, and this year a few neighbors are joining in too.... this thing is going to be huge. I'll post some pics either tonight or tomorrow once we get it all set up....

Anne At Large said...

Wow, more power to you! Hope it went well, around here all we get is early birds and low ballers so I usially either sell stuff on Craigslist or donate it. No dressers that could work in your nedroom?